generate a blurb that sells

Free AI book description generator

Generate a blurb for your book and use it on the back cover of your book, in online book listings, on your website and more!

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Fill out the form to generate your blurb in seconds!

It may take up to 20 seconds to generate your blurb, it will appear below this message!
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Here's your book description:
(You can edit/modify the text before copying it)
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Let AI craft your perfect book blurb!

Harness the power of the latest AI technology to create a unique and compelling blurb that captures the essence of your book and entices readers to dive in!

With our free online tool, you'll never have to stare at a blank page, hoping for inspiration to strike.

Each description is crafted to reflect the unique themes and styles of your writing, ensuring no two blurbs are ever the same.

Want more? Why not generate an author bio for yourself generate new book titles for your story!

How to use our generator


Kickstart your bio creation by inputting key details such as your book title, genre, preferred tone, and key themes in the designated fields provided.


Once you submit, wait a few seconds, and you'll get a book description, which you can edit directly in the provided window to make it suit your story better.


The AI does a good job, but it's not perfect, so feel free to build upon what's generated to make your book blurb more personal and accurate!

Questions & answers

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If you have any questions or if you're ready to go ahead, please fill out our short design enquiry form.